Friday, April 24, 2020

Seeking a simple ray of light during the global pandemic

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April 24, 2020To wrap up this memorable work-from-home week, Chronicle assistant editor Dhiren Mahiban brings us the Friday edition of the Daily CurveFlattner, from Toronto. 

As we move deeper into spring and the days get both longer and brighter our ability to naturally take in Vitamin D continues to be hampered by the global Covid-19 pandemic. Yesterday, the Ontario government extended shelter-in-place instructions until May 6.

In the UK, the British Association of Dermatologists is recommending those who are forced indoors most of the day to take Vitamin D supplements. The National Health Service recommends 10 micrograms of Vitamin D a day.

For those able to venture outdoors for a walk or to get their daily exercise (while social distancing of course) it is recommended to follow the sun-safety tips provided by the Canadian Dermatology Association. These include limiting sun exposure between 11 am and 3 pm, wearing wide-brimmed hats and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher.

  • The Toronto Star reports Canada must triple its Covid-19 testing prior to loosening restrictions. Provinces and territories are currently testing roughly 20,000 Canadians a day for Corvid-19, but that number needs to get to at least 60,000, according to the nation's top doc Dr. Theresa Tam.
  • A strict early lockdown by New Zealand's prime minister has the country poised to begin a return to normal process, according to a report from the CBC.  Prime minister Jacinda Ardem announced on Monday that New Zealand Alert Level 4 measures would last until April 27. Then the country will move to Alert Level 3 with more freedom for residents. As of Tuesday, the country of five million people had 1,445 reported cases of Covid-19, and just 13 deaths. 
  • According to statistics from Toronto Hydro, residents in Toronto are using the downtime provided by the Covid-19 pandemic to catch up on sleep. Electricity data shows that Torontonians are using appliances later in the morning than prior to the outbreak. Additionally, the stats show energy consumption spread out more in the evenings.


With telehealth visits on the rise as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have a post up at Derm.City this week with tips and recommendations for both doctors and patients on getting the most out of their virtual health consults. 


Two writers slinging yang. This podcast features author Jeff Pearlman and his weekly in-depth, no-holds-barred conversation with a writer on his or her craft. This week Jeff sits down with Toronto Star sportswriter turned news columnist Bruce Arthur on his move from covering the local sports scene to covering the Covid-19 pandemic.

THIS WEEKEND WE ARE WATCHING... Slowly but surely we are working our way through the third season of the Netflix series The Crown which follows the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II. 


Lemony salmon bow-tie pasta.  This cheesy, salmon, and pasta recipe will take care of you for the weekend and into next week. 


Please make use of the comments section at the Daily CurveFlattener, to let us know what you're up to today. Or feel free to check in via LinkedIn, email, or your choice of connector. By all means, pass this newsletter along to your colleagues.

That's it. Stay in touch, stay safe and have the best weekend you can. 

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