Thursday, July 16, 2020

Mixed messages from politicians hamper Covid testing

The NPC Podcast is on the air. The organizers of the National Pharmaceutical Congress are proud to release our new weekly podcast series, hosted by Peter Brenders. Peter's guest this week is Dr. Shafiq Qaadri. Listen here now, or download the episode and play it at your convenience. The NPC Podcast is presented in cooperation with Impres Pharma.

⇒ Issue #76 (In numerology, the number 76 represents introspection, intuitiveness, and pragmatism.)

⇒ Confirmed Covid cases in Canada as of 07/16: 110,693*
⇒ Confirmed Covid fatalities in Canada as of 07/16: 8,857*
⇒ Worldwide Covid cases as of 07/16: 13,583,763*
⇒ Worldwide Covid fatalities as of 07/16: 584,992*

July 16, 2020 Happy Thursday, fellow CurveFlatteners.  Bringing you Covid-19 updates today is Editorial Assistant Jeremy Visser

Earlier this week, W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus scolded (but didn't name) politicians who have been sending mixed messages about Covid to the public. A couple of obvious politicians come to mind, but I think some examples of the repercussions of mixed message responses are worth mentioning.

For example, this New York Times article shows that the US is only meeting 36 per cent of the necessary testing required to slow the spread of Covid-19. 

There have also been a reported 21,422 cases of travellers in Canada who are potentially not quarantining as public health guidelines request. Specifically, a couple from Florida was charged for failing to self-isolate after entering the country to visit their cottage. We are not without our domestic scofflaws: Two indoor Canada Day parties led to 13 positive cases of Covid-19 in the Okanagan region. 

  • A study recently published in The Lancet finds that there has been a substantial drop in ER patients with acute coronary syndromes and fewer cardiac procedures. The authors suspect that these reduced numbers were in response to the fear of contracting Covid-19 at hospitals.
  • A study published online in medRxiv suggests that consumption of fermented vegetables to be associated with a low Covid-19 mortality rate. While more research is required on the subject, it does seem that fermented foods might get you out of a pandemic pickle.
  • It seems evidence base campaigns on news media and social media are associated with physical distancing and pandemic-preventive personal hygiene, as reported in a study published on JAMA Netw Open. The Netherlands based study reported improvements in handwashing, awareness of face touching, and physical distancing. (Look what happens when you don't send mixed messages to your country.)
  • In a recent press release, the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) announced a Covid-19 and MS Pathfinder. The online tool is geared towards helping those manage their MS while self-isolating, as well as information about Covid-19 and preparations for emergency situations.


    I recently spoke Dr. Tyler Safran from McGill, who helped author a paper analyzing FDA-MAUDE database about breast-implant related mortality rate. The article will be detailed in an upcoming issue of Chronicle of Cosmetic Medicine + Surgery.


    Nepotism by Chokeules. Last week local Toronto rapper Chokeules released another solo album, something I've been waiting for since I stumbled upon 40 Year Old Vegan from his last solo album in 2014. The backburner crew and Swamp Thing member has a smooth flow with clever wordplay that leaves me smirking while bobbing my head.


    Vengeful by V.E. Schwab. After devouring her entire Shades of Magic trilogy and being equal parts disturbed and fascinated by Vicious, I had to grab the sequel from the library as soon as I could. While I will avoid spoilers from the first book (our assistant editor Kylie Rebernik is still reading it), I suspect this book will turn up the dark writing and themes, further exploring a series that has many protagonists, but no heroes.


    Thai Red Curry. I must confess my version is a lot lazier than this. If you feel like cutting some fresh veggies, all power to you! However, I will be baking my tofu and throwing it together with frozen veggies, red curry paste, coconut milk. 


    Please make use of the comments section at the Daily CurveFlattener, to let us know what you're up to today. Or feel free to check in via LinkedIn, email, or your choice of connector. By all means, pass this newsletter along to your colleagues.

    That's it. Stay in touch, stay safe and enjoy your day. Editorial Director Allan Ryan will be back tomorrow to finish up the week.

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