Monday, July 13, 2020

Fatalities sharply rise in Florida, but at least you can shake hands again with Mickey

The NPC Podcast is on the air. The organizers of the National Pharmaceutical Congress are proud to release the first episode of our new weekly series, hosted by Peter Brenders. Peter's guest this week is Durhane Wong-Rieger, patient advocate. Listen here now, or download the episode and play it at your convenience. The NPC Podcast is presented in cooperation with Impres Pharma.

Issue #73 [In numerology, the number 73 produces a combination of divinity and worldly wisdom. Seventy-three gives you sharp mental and psychic powers.]

⇒ Confirmed Covid cases in Canada as of 07/13: 109,348*
⇒ Confirmed Covid fatalities in Canada as of 07/13: 8,829*
⇒ Worldwide Covid cases as of 07/13: 12,945,647*
⇒ Worldwide Covid fatalities as of 07/13: 569,871*

July 13, 2020—As we begin Week 17 of quarantine, it's assistant editor Kylie Rebernik here with today's briefing.

In Ontario, Premier, Doug Ford will announce plans this morning for the province's "Phase 3" re-opening. As Canada's most populous province begins to return to some pre-Covid normalcy, new Covid-19 cases are rampant in many areas of the U.S.A. Yesterday, Florida reported 15,000 new cases; however, the Disney World amusement park has inexplicably re-opened to tourists. What would you call that decision? Goofy? Mickey Mouse? Straight out of Pluto? Or Worthy-of-Donald (Duck or Trump; pick either)?


  • A new article published in the British Medical Journal (July 10, 2020) has found that hospitals have not completed risk assessments on ethnic minorities who work in hospitals, despite data showing that healthcare workers who have died of Covid-19 are primarily ethnic minorities.
  • A study out of Rome has found patients who have recovered from Covid -19still experience at least one symptom up to two months later. Data from 143 patients were used, with more than half the patients experiencing three or more symptoms.
  • According to a study published online in JAMA, there have been high rates of preterm births and c-sections reported in women with Covid. Researchers reported that since the beginning of the Covid pandemic there has been a significant increase in stillbirths compared to the pre-pandemic period.


I am working on an article for The Chronicle of Skin & Allergy based on a new study that has found a link between rosacea and quality of sleep.


I am a huge fan of pop singer Ellie Goulding, whose new tracks will be released later this week. In preparation, I am listening to her back catalogue.


Imposters is a dark comedy series on Netflix, about a con-artist who encourages people to fall in love with her, and then steals all of their valuables. A simple premise, but one that offers unexpected rewards to viewers.


Tacos. Where is it decreed that you can only eat tacos on Tuesdays?


Please make use of the comments section at the Daily CurveFlattener, to let us know what you're up to today. Or feel free to check in via LinkedIn, email, or your choice of connector. By all means, pass this newsletter along to your colleagues. Tomorrow's report will be filed by Cory "Duke of Hertel" Perla.

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