Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Quarantine fatigue sets in as Canadians distance from public health advice

More than 200 delegates have already registered for the Summer Webinar of the National Pharmaceutical Congress: "Pharma's Purpose, People & Process Post-Covid. Who Will Thrive? Who Will Be Left Behind?" Featured panellists are Ronnie Miller, Hoffman-La Roche; Mike Egli, Aspen Healthcare Canada; Claude Perron, Amicus Therapeutics; Danielle Portnik, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals; Peter Brenders, Kontollo Health [lead panellist]; Mitch Shannon, Chronicle Companies [host.] Mark the date of Tuesday, June 23, 11:00 to noon (EDT.) Registration is free. Space is limited. Sign up here.

⇒ Issue #55
⇒ Confirmed Covid cases in Canada as of 06/16: 100,763*
⇒ Confirmed Covid fatalities in Canada as of 06/16: 8,228*
⇒ Worldwide Covid cases as of 06/16: 8,065,966*
⇒ Worldwide Covid fatalities as of 06/16: 447,604*

June 16, 2020Hope your Tuesday isn't too tedious, CurveFlatteners. Slowly making my way through the week with you is Chronicle's Jeremy Visser.  

While most of the city of Toronto is still under lockdown restrictions regarding the opening of restaurants, hair salons and malls, there is still some hope for those tired of social distancing in Canada's most populous province. Dr. David Williams, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health, has updated public health advice to allow social circles of up to 10 people. 

While this is hopeful news for the province that has the second-highest cases of Covid-19, it's uncertain how long people will continue following public health advice.

A report released by the Angus Reid Institute finds that one-third of Canadians are fatigued from social distancing and that only a third are staying away from public spaces. About half of Canadians are social distancing from others as much as they were in the beginning of lockdown.

The easing of lockdown restrictions may help Canadians deal with their social distancing fatigue. If not, Ontario's branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association may have to provide more mental health tips for the reported 28 per cent of Canadians feeling anxious during the lockdown.

  • A research letter published in Jama Network Open indicates a reduction in documenting and assessing psychiatric symptoms during the pandemic. The Boston-based report suggests using telemedicine to ensure that psychiatric illness is not neglected in response to Covid-19. 
  • An Italian study published in JAMA Surgery explores surgical complications when operating on patients with Covid-19. Due to the risk of pneumonia, thrombotic complications and other complications, the authors recommend postponing surgery in patients with Covid-19 wherever possible.
  • A study published in the British Medical Journal looked at outcomes of pregnant women with Covid-19 in the UK. While outcomes were mostly good and transmission of Covid-19 to infants was uncommon, the authors expressed worry that the majority of the pregnant women with Covid-19 were black or POC.


    Assistant Editor Kylie Rebernik will be interviewing lead author Dr. Arvind Sehgal about the first of its kind study on 'kangaroo care' and its effects on infants. The article will be an upcoming issue of Pediatric Chronicle


    Chance the Rapper's 10 Day mixtape. As an exorbitant amount of time spent at home starts to wear on me, I find something therapeutic about Chance's clever and flowing lyrics on the intro track 14,400 Minutes. In an album that details his 10-day suspension and the 10 track record that came out of it, this music is highly recommended to lift your spirits and inspire you to aim for similarly productive two weeks of workdays.


    Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt. With lockdown slowly easing, I've managed to make a trip downtown to my local hobby shop, where I entered (with face mask required) to pick up some plastic model kits of robots. That led into a deep dive into some mecha manga, which is great for keeping me entertained, but I suspect the long Toronto Public Library holds on books might have me waiting awhile for Volume II.


    Butternut Squash Tacos. While my wallet doesn't miss going out to restaurants, I surely do. So I tried this recipe inspired by one of my favourite recipes from Toronto vegan chain "Fresh." I'm not certain if I've ever had anything quite as delicious, making the jalapeno ranch sauce is essential to this dish, and I'm salivating waiting for the day to end to eat them.


    Please make use of the comments section at the Daily CurveFlattener, to let us know what you're up to today. Or feel free to check in via LinkedIn, email, or your choice of connector. By all means, pass this newsletter along to your colleagues.

    That's it. Stay in touch, stay safe and enjoy your Tuesday. Editorial Director Allan Ryan will be back tomorrow for your mid-week update.

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