Friday, April 3, 2020

Social distancing, sure, but we still need our endorphin rush

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April 03, 2020 — "TGIF" is what we used to tell each other during better times. Now, with most routines disrupted, one day might strike you as little different from another. All things considered, however, perhaps that's not the worst place to be. Friday's Daily CurveFlattener newsletter comes to you from the Junction neighborhood of Toronto, reported by assistant editor Dhiren Mahibanex-Vancouverite, husband-to-be, and sports junkie still very much in the early stage of MLB withdrawal.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many have had to make alterations to their daily lifestyle in order to abide by local social distancing laws and to self-quarantine. That may mean working remotely from home, using a delivery service for your groceries, or telehealth options to "visit" your healthcare provider. 

For those seeking to continue living an active lifestyle, things are no different. Many gyms and fitness studios have been forced to close in an effort to meet government regulations amid the pandemic. To fill the void, a variety of social media platforms (Instagram, et al) are offering up workout-from-home routines for those looking to maintain a certain level of fitness during the enforced lull. 

For this writer, a regular on the spin bike, it has meant seeking alternative arrangements to obtain that endorphin release. After failed attempts to rent a bike from one of the many studios around central Toronto, I have elected to dust off the sneakers, hit the pavement and take up running for the first time in years (while maintaining social distance, of course).   

  • Ottawa based Spartan Bio Science Inc. is in the final stages of developing a handheld test for Covid-19. The new test kits will be able to confirm results in less than one hour eliminating the need for samples to be sent to a lab. Health Canada is expected to approve the kits within the next few weeks.
  • The Faculty of Communications and Design at Ryerson University has teamed up with Toronto General Hospital to design prototype of different types of face shields and masks for healthcare workers. Using four laser cutters and 40 3D printers the lab is able to make the prototypes and has the ability to develop more than 75 3D printed headpieces, 350 casted headpieces and 425 laser-cut plastic shields a day.
  • Some Canadians currently working in the U.S. are in the process of returning north attempting to escape the epicenter of Covid-19. Several told the VICE news service they are returning home because of concerns navigating the patchwork American healthcare system, not wanting to put additional strain on already overburdened hospitals, and having apprehension over how President Donald Trump is handling the crisis. 


Covid-19 and dermatology: Healthcare professionals have recommended regular handwashing for at least 20 seconds as a preventative measure to avoid contracting the coronavirus. For an upcoming issue of The Chronicle of Skin & Allergy, we talk to Dr. Katie Beleznay of Vancouver, and others, about the American Academy of Dermatology's handwashing tips as well as the International Psoriasis Council's recommendation that physicians discontinue or postpone the use of immunosuppressant medications for patients with Covid-19. 


The McMillion$ Podcast. This is the podcast series which accompanies the HBO documentary series McMillion$ chronicling the fraud ring that rigged the results of the McDonald’s Monopoly game, and how the FBI took it down. 


Ozark. The Netflix series focuses on a financial advisor (played by Jason Bateman) as he moves his family from Chicago to the Missouri Ozarks where he falls into a gig helping the Mexican cartel launder money. Season Three was just released. If you haven't watched either of the first two seasons yet, do yourself a favor and give this series, directed by Bateman, a try. Given the state of the world these days probably we could all use a little escape.

  • Chicken BLT pasta salad. For those not interested in cooking every day, this recipe will serve you through the weekend and into next week. Pasta salad: it's the gift that keeps on giving.

  • Please make use of the comments section at the Daily CurveFlattener, to let us know what you're up to today. Or feel free to check in via LinkedIn, email, or your choice of connector. By all means, pass this newsletter along to your colleagues, and, when you're done, wash your hands.

That's it. Stay in touch, stay safe and have the best weekend you can.

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